A Mere Description of My Voyage of Life (Pt 2)
Notice how lazy I am, part 2 only turn up now... the pictures displayed previously were over large and i didn't bother to adjust them, so whacky and so unorganised, just leave it like that? Ya, I think so, I can't see why not, eh? I have so many posts waiting to be edited 'cause I used to save them as drafts, I just don't understand why I can't finish on time. Well, let me estimate, agak agak la..., it should have probably 5 to 6 drafts in my list, still pending.... maybe months ago, or somehow maybe a year ago... that really mean something, that I'm practically tired of blogging. It depends on my mood, I wouldn't want to say a thing even though I have big news to tell, because deep down, I know one truth, as foretold by a cartoon character, dubbed Dr Suess.

"Those who mind what you have said don't matter while those who matter don't mind;
Better don't tell, keep it to yourself, burst it only at your will."

My Friend here, has gone to USA to study business + politics in Wichita Univerisity, if his pronunciation is correct, it should spell like that. He was formally our English Language Society President back in Chong Hwa High School. In my opinion, he is undoubtedly very resourceful and helpful, speaking of which did he manage the whole society smoothly. He contributed his precious time and dedication to the society, everyone owed him a token of appreciation, That's alot man! Anyway, hoped that he could manage to get a PR there in the US and having fun.

Another good old fine picture with the ELS Members.... say Cheese! *the Mice are saliva-ing*
Pss.. I'm looking like a sad bull dog, hate that look.
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